
Awesome Talks

Talks I've held
reverse-engineering car-hacking automotive gamehacking exploitation

37C3 CTF: ezrop

ctf reversing exploitation rop radare2 r2

Command Injection in LaTeX Workshop

exploitation vulnerability

Haxxoring a Hisense Smart TV

exploitation reverse-engineering vulnerability

SROP Exploitation with radare2

r2 radare2 rop exploitation ctf

Fuzzing A GameBoy Emulator With AFL++

fuzzing reversing exploitation

Exploiting A Use-After-Free With radare2 - CTF Challenge

ctf reversing exploitation r2 radare2 cutter heap

36C3 CTF Writeups

ctf reversing exploitation

ROP on ARM with radare2

r2 radare2 rop exploitation arm

In-Process Fuzzing With Frida

frida exploitation fuzzing reverse-engineering

ROP On x64: What's ret2csu Again?

exploitation rop radare2 r2 ctf ret2csu

Exploiting PHP Deserialization: CCCamp19 CTF PDFCreator Challenge

ctf exploitation deserialization

ROP It Like It's Hot: ROP Basics - Stack Pivoting

reverse-engineering exploitation binary r2 radare2 rop

Brute-Forcing x86 Stack Canaries

exploitation ctf radare2 r2

r2con 2019 PwnDebian Challenge: Exploiting radare2 (CVE-2019-14745, CVE-2019-16718)

r2 radare2 reverse-engineering exploitation binary cve research vulnerability

Buffer Overflows on x64 with radare2

r2 radare2 x64 exploitation rop

Bypassing ASLR and DEP for 32-Bit Binaries With r2

exploitation r2 radare2 reverse-engineering ret2libc

Passing binary input via GDB

gdb exploitation reverse-engineering

Exploiting Unquoted Service Paths For Fun and No Profit

exploitation cve windows